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Wedding Plans

So Lisa and I have been trying to figure out where and when to do this whole wedding thing. There is a lot to think about when planning a So Lisa and I have been trying to figure out where and when to do this whole wedding thing. There is a lot to think about when planning a wedding. You have to think about what socks to wear and who not to invite even though you know those people are going to show up anyway.

You have to decide on color schemes and wind conditions. Take in to consideration the pull of the moon on the earth and where Jupiter will be in the night sky. The point is there are a few things to consider.

Right now we have a few places narrowed down but we haven't found that "one" place that has everything. Like an area where the ground earth opens and we rise from the ground with a thousand fireflys and doves flying around and the trees bow in honor and the clouds part and a single beam of light shines down on us as everyone in attendance rises to their feet and applaud our celebration of love. . . we haven't found that place yet.

We did find a nice place in Lake Geneva.

We have to decide this week where we want to be. We think it will be the beginning of October so mark your calendars. Keep them open from September 15th thru December 30th.


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