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Video Choice

I'm filming today and I am not sure what direction I want to take. Should I go for the complicated multi shot video with experimental lighting or simple tripod camera and a single light. It seems like every day we are faced with a variety of decisions. Somedays we are up to the challenge of the complex path that those choices will take us down. Other days it seems like we are just not feeling up to the task of a complex filming process. If we can stay alert and energetic and excited about what we seedling than I believe we will always be ready to do the tough thing.

Keeping God as the top priority and stay fresh in Him is a great way to be ready for the difficult decisions that face us every day. Your crossroad may not be something as mundane as trying to decide which lighting kit to use. It may be that you are faced with decisions like: what bill do I pay this moth, should I flirt with sin, do I continue to date this person that's bringing me down even though I love them, should I buy this ________, where should I go to college.

No matter what you are facing God is always going to be right there with you. We are always allowed to choose our life's direction. God allowed Adam and Eve to choose to obey or disobey and even though they chose poorly God still loved them and continued to be with them. I need to setup these lights... God bless!

I forgot about this video.


Cupcakes are neat!


Above is a picture of Lisa's new cupcakes. I wish you could all see, I mean smell and taste these delicious treats. Lisa has been testing new cupcake recipes and to be honest her and I are both a little cupcaked out. Don't get me wrong, I love them all but after about 20 cupcakes.... well you just have to stop eating them at some point.

Anyway... they are so good and if any anyone wants to please eat some of these let me know. I'll see if I can persuade the chef.

2009 Movies

So I typed up this really long list of movies that I think are going to be big this year. I had links to other sites and other people's opinions. It was a real good piece of literary work. I thought to myself, "I better save this, I have done all this work and haven't even hit 'Command - S' (that's how you quickly save for all of you out there that have never seen a computer before and are living in 1989)." That's when my computer froze and just sat there doing nothing.

So... instead of me doing all that pointless work again since no one reads my blog anyway... I thought I would just make a real short list of what I think will be the big money makers this first part of the year.

Mostly they are just remakes and sequels, annnd for the most part they have been satisfying (we'll just pretend Superman Returns never happened). Inevitably someone will tell me what movie I should add. Remember I had a huge list but that whole computer freeze thing happened.

So here are the movies I most want to see, in no particular order. Think of it as a ComicCon fanboy list. :)

G.I. Joe
The Watchmen
Star Trek
The Wolf Man
X-Men: Origins

Duncan needs to diet!

So my cat has gotten a little too big. I first noticed it when he
jumped on my stomach one morning and almost crushed my spine.

So since Lisa and I are eating heathier it is time for him to as well.
The strange thing is... he is a very picky eater. He only wants
regular cat food. I could give him chicken or beef or expensive soft
cat food that most cats would devour, but Duncan doesn't care about
that stuff he just wants to fatten up on plain cat food.

*Hopefully cats don't go to heaven and read blog posts that their
owners wrote about them. :)


Pasted Graphic

Lori Mehmen from Iowa took this picture. No one was hurt from this tornado, but that is some scary stuff.

Wedding Plans

So Lisa and I have been trying to figure out where and when to do this whole wedding thing. There is a lot to think about when planning a So Lisa and I have been trying to figure out where and when to do this whole wedding thing. There is a lot to think about when planning a wedding. You have to think about what socks to wear and who not to invite even though you know those people are going to show up anyway.

You have to decide on color schemes and wind conditions. Take in to consideration the pull of the moon on the earth and where Jupiter will be in the night sky. The point is there are a few things to consider.

Right now we have a few places narrowed down but we haven't found that "one" place that has everything. Like an area where the ground earth opens and we rise from the ground with a thousand fireflys and doves flying around and the trees bow in honor and the clouds part and a single beam of light shines down on us as everyone in attendance rises to their feet and applaud our celebration of love. . . we haven't found that place yet.

We did find a nice place in Lake Geneva.

We have to decide this week where we want to be. We think it will be the beginning of October so mark your calendars. Keep them open from September 15th thru December 30th.



I was kinda bored and looking at a lot of designs by female graphic artists, so I was inspired to make something girly. So basically I used the colors from print (CMYK) and web (RGB) and tossed some clouds over it. No real point to this design really.

IronMan extra scene

Just saw IronMan but I didn't realize that there was a special scene after the credits. I even looked online before I went and saw it to see if there was anything special. Anyway here is a link to it: HERE